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Living and working sustainably and caring for our environment are values that drive our business.

We only use organic and plant-based ingredients in our products, run our business on regionally sourced renewable energy, pack our products in recyclable packaging, and are always looking for more ways to leave a positive impact on all the stakeholders of our business.

Over the years, the health and environmental aspects of food have become more and more important to the Froyda team.

More recently, co-Founder Pranav witnessed the remarkably positive change a low-FODMAP diet had on his wife's wellbeing. Interestingly, he grew up in a household with a cooking tradition that is similar in some ways to the low-FODMAP diet. For example, onions and garlic are not used there. In Indian Ayurvedic cooking, a variety of other spices are used to give the dishes a rich flavour.

This knowledge and experience flows into Pranav's product development at Froyda.

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