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In this section, you can search products by criteria for suitability for, and the nutritional management of symptoms related to various conditions.

  • Acid Reflux, Functional Dyspepsia, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)*
  • Leaky Gut*
  • Chronic Constipation*
  • Diverticular Disease*
  • Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)*
  • Urinary Tract Infection (UTIs)*
  • Crohn's Disease & Ulcerative Colitis (Inflammatory Bowel Disease)*
  • Wound Healing*
  • Undernutrition & Malnutrition*
  • Cardiovascular Diseases (High Cholesterol & High Blood Sugar)*
  • Post-Surgical Nutrition Support

Our products are based on the best quality scientific evidence in gut health nutrition research. They are frequently recommend by Clinical Dietitians, Registered Nutritionists, Pharmacists, General Practitioners, Gastroenterologists and Allergy Doctors*. 

Please seek the expert advice of an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD, RD) or other suitably qualified Healthcare Practitioner before commencing a medical nutrition supplementation regime. 

Showing 1 - 35 of 74 results

FODZYME™ 60 Powder Doses - For Home - Preorder Late January FODZYME™ 60 Powder Doses - For Home - Preorder Late January

FODZYME™ 60 Powder Doses - For Home - Preorder Late January


The world's first solution to target FODMAPs directly so you can stop avoiding your favourite foods. FODZYME™ is a novel patent-pending enzyme supplement that breaks down the FODMAPs fructan, galacto-oligosaccharides.

FODZYME® 5-Dose Starter Kit - Preorder Late January FODZYME® 5-Dose Starter Kit - Preorder Late January

FODZYME® 5-Dose Starter Kit - Preorder Late January


Extra powerful and portable, FODZYME® On-the-go Kit brings 33% extra enzymatic activity to break down fructan, lactose and GOS and help you enjoy your favourite meals worry free, wherever you are. The world's.

FODZYME® 30-Dose On-The-Go Kit - Preorder Late January FODZYME® 30-Dose On-The-Go Kit - Preorder Late January

FODZYME® 30-Dose On-The-Go Kit - Preorder Late January


Extra powerful and portable, FODZYME® On-the-go Kit brings 33% extra enzymatic activity to break down fructan, lactose and GOS and help you enjoy your favourite meals painlessly, wherever you are. The world's first.